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Tree of Life Media Contributed By Greg and Marybeth Dimijian

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ID Thumbnail Media Data
164 Plasmodium of a myxomycete slime mould
Scientific Name Myxomycetes
Location La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica
Comments Plasmodium of a myxomycete slime mould dripping from a leaf in the rainforest understory.
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Copyright © 2000 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Amoebozoa: view page image collection
Title slime.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text Plasmodium of a myxomycete slime mould
ID 164
Location Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania
Comments Short-beaked echidna
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Copyright © 1995 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Tachyglossus aculeatus (Tachyglossidae): view page image collection
Title sbechidna.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 245
507 Ithomiine butterfly feeding on Senecio flowers
Scientific Name Ithomiini, Senecio
Location Monteverde, Costa Rica
Comments Ithomiine butterfly feeding on Senecio flowers
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Copyright © 1996 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Ithomiini: view page image collection
Title clearwing.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text Ithomiine butterfly feeding on Senecio flowers
ID 507
533 A planarian flatworm, Bipalium
Scientific Name Bipalium
Location Dallas, Texas
Comments A planarian flatworm (Platyhelminthes) after emerging from wet soil after rain
Copyright © Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Title 1792planarian.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text A planarian flatworm, Bipalium
ID 533
548 Argiope spider
Scientific Name Argiope
Location Dallas, Texas
Comments Argiope spider (Arthropoda) on web with stabilimentum
Copyright © Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Title 1793argiope.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text Argiope spider
ID 548
Scientific Name Acacia tortilis
Location southern Serengeti near Ndutu, Tanzania
Comments (Euangiosperms, Fabaceae)
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Copyright © Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Acacia subgenus Acacia (Mimosoideae): view page image collection
Title 13077acacia.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 715
Location Mount Kenya, Kenya, East Africa
Comments Variable Sunbird
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Behavior feeding
Sex Male
Copyright © 1997 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Cinnyris venustus (Passeroidea): view page image collection
Title 162.250.jpeg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 1075
Location Khwai, Okavango Delta, Botswana
Comments elephant breeding herd
Copyright © 2000 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Loxodonta africana: view page image collection
Title elephants.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ID 1210
1766 Snout moth
Location Poco Sol, Costa Rica
Comments Snout moth (Neolepidoptera: Pyraloidea)
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Copyright © 1990 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Pyralidae: view page image collection
Title 1012pieralid.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text Snout moth
ID 1766
1869 Black rhinoceros
Scientific Name Diceros bicornis
Location Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Specimen Condition Live Specimen
Life Cycle Stage juvenile and adult
Copyright © 2000 Greg and Marybeth Dimijian
Image Use ToL use only
Attached to Group Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla): view page image collection
Title rhinos.jpg
Image Type Photograph
Image Content Specimen(s)
ALT Text Black rhinoceros
ID 1869
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